Relocate Feral Cats Far From Plover Nesting Areas in New York

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: State Parks Commission, NY

Please sign and share this petition worldwide as we encourage the N. Y. Park Commissioner to consider relocating the feral cats that are disrupting the life and nesting behaviors of the plovers. These birds commonly migrate from the Bahamas to a particular New York beach that is also home to many of these felines. The cats deserve a home as well and we are just asking that they safely be relocated to another area so the birds can move forward with their nesting spots.

Jones Beach State Park in New York has been a common area for many years where the piping plovers arrive from the Bahamas over a long winter, looking for a nice, warm quiet area for nesting spots. This has always been a nice, quiet, desolate area where only a few fishermen could be seen off shore but more recently, 30 feral cats have been making their homes there. The cats are now presenting a threat to the birds, with bird lovers and conservationists saying the cats here threaten the nesting plovers; small, sand-colored shorebirds that are listed as endangered by New York State so that they can lay their eggs in shallow depressions on the open beach.

Although the American Bird Conservancy is urging the state to get rid of the cats, we are hoping that the felines can be relocated in another safe area away from the plovers and their natural nesting habits. The cats indeed deserve to live happily and can do so in another area that is safe for them and not a danger to these birds. The bird activists fear that the cats currently pose a danger to the birds, stating that “baby birds on the beach stand zero chance against these cats.”

Animal activists concerned about the welfare of the cats can surely provide the same types of shelter, food and water in another area that is safer for all concerned. Help us in our efforts to protect the plover shorebirds in their nesting behaviors on the New York beach by signing and sharing this petition worldwide and urge the state to relocate the cats; a method that would be in the best interest of the cats and the birds involved.

State Parks Commission, NY – We encourage you to relocate the feral cats from the Jones Beach State Park during this crucial time when the plover seabirds are looking for nesting spots. This is a common practice for the birds each year and allowing the cats to disrupt and often place them in danger should not be an option. We are asking that you work closely together in catching the feral cats and relocating them to another area that is safe for them and safer for the birds. They can as easily survive in another area with the same type of shelter, food and water without being a threat to these birds that have been coming to the State Park Beach for so many years.

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