Iran, Have a Heart

  • av: Vashi Chandi
  • mottagare: Islamic Republic of Iran, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance

Dog owners face receiving 74 lashes if they take their dog for a walk under proposed Iranian law as owning such an animal is seen as harmful to Islamic culture


Where will the pets go please? Go round and around indoors all their lives? Not allowed outdoors at all?

IF the pets are forced to remain confined indoors, this would be compelling them in many unimaginable ways please.

What crime did the pets do for their freedom of movement outdoors to be snatched away from them please?

Please kindly understand that we freedom of movement is the true nature of the pets and to take this away from them is something that is really baffling and not understandable at all.

We respect your authority and are not trying to tell or inform you or educate you; rather we are humbly appealing to you in good faith, trust and utmost hopes to please kindly have a heart please.

Just imagine all pets, all their lifetimes locked up indoors, unable to go anywhere outdoors at all, but why? Is this true? Please kindly help and be considerate, be compassionate and be conscientious please, God bless.

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