Dolphin's tear-The misery behind the dolphin shows.

Think about it if your living spare today is only confined in a big water tank, and you are rudely controlled to show people from time to time, and no one can heal you if you are injured. How does it feel? It's painful right? This is the daily life of dolphins in the Ocean Park.

Dolphins should live a carefree life in the vast ocean. Like people, dolphins need their own social space and freedom. However, the dolphins that people watch in the Ocean Park are not like this. They have lost their freedom and purpose of being alive.

In Geoja Sea World in South Korea, people only need to pay NT$ 5000 to become VIP, and they can experience riding a dolphin for an hour. During the performance, the trainer even stepped on the dolphin as on a surfboard and danced on it. Nine dolphins have been tortured to death since the Ocean Park opening. When tourists watched the dolphins, they could not understand the pain of the dolphins.

The Chinese white dolphins in the Nanning Zoo in China are treated the same. When their mouths were injured, the zoo didn't properly heal the dolphins, forcing the dolphins to perform under the miserable circumstances, but the park insisted that it was for its benefit. Many dolphins have been suffered from inhumane abuses, and they even died due to the horrible living environment in the park. Are these what people want to see?

While enjoying the dolphin show, people's happiness is based on the torture of the dolphins. We should give the dolphins a free, happy and normal environment. We should stop abusing dolphins to satisfy people's entertainment and interest. We appeal to people to avoid watching dolphin show. At small action of yours may change the life of dolphins.

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