Birds breeding seasons,” no cutting trees during spring and summer “

    San Antonio
    This city is losing the most precious attraction it has and in a very fast paced, building companies “home development companies” are cutting trees on birds breeding seasons, seems like nobody cares about that, the season to cut trees should be fall and winter now the problem is that they are not just cutting a small area they don’t or clean an small area they cut many trees and many acres at a time, they don’t care if it’s spring or middle of summer, seems like San Antonio needs environment advocate, we need rules again this practice that goes against the environment, and wild life, every time someone talks about something related to this, is cut out and quiet down, what is wrong with that picture, after cutting thousands of trees, and making them dust, they replace them with two baby trees per house they built, that is ridiculous, those trees will take more that 10 years to become an adequate size, and to become a real adult tree size it can take many more years, unfortunately many of those baby trees they plant die and the home owners don’t replace them, these companies are making millions of dollars at the expense of environment and wild life, they have the money and the resources to protect the environment and can do better that that killing every thing where they go, simple things like they can leave adult trees behind, because they have already a plan and map of the neighborhood they are planning, cut down trees only in fall and winter, please help San Antonio become more environmental, please help me pass a rule or regulation to stop cutting trees in spring and summer season, many species of birds are still breeding during the middle of summer and of course spring season, don’t cut trees during these seasons, another things is that there is no wild life relocation, just killing everything around it, trees, birds, and many other small wild animals like rabbits, raccoons etc. We need to pass a regulation not cutting trees during birds breeding season, and help relocate small wild animals.
    These huge home buildings companies have the money to do this, make them do it.
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