Belgrade Zoo Please Release Sad, Dirty and Injured Polar Bear!!

Animals should not have to suffer at the hands of poor zoo conditions and care. This polar bear is alone, dirty or stained with feces from what looks to be an injury to his back legs or possibly paralyzed. This is no way for a polar bear to live.

As a species they are known to have access to large spaces where they can hunting, walking and run. They are social animals within their species and require community. The zoo provides the minimal standards for a living environment for this poor animal.

Please make the Belgrade Zoo give up their rights to this animal and release him to a suitable animal sanctuary that can provide him/her with better care.

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
I have sent several emails to different animal welfare organizations all throughout the globe. I recieved one from the Executive PA today from WAZA ( World Associations of Zoos and Aquariums. He has forwarded my concern to the relevant regional association, EAZA, and inform them of the complaint and ask that they investigate these allegations fully. I am hoping with his email along with others that have been sent we can see some movement. Keep on sharing! Thanks everyone!

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