Despite the fact that many members of the 2018 class will be 20-years-old by Spring 2019, let alone 21-years-old, San Diego State University continues to prioritize athletes over the general population, and the disparity in living conditions is atrocious. Due to the raffle, some Sophomore students will be stuck living in freshman dormitories. Twenty-one-year-olds living in freshman dormitories. Furthermore, residents of Chapultepec-- a building 1-mile off campus, with communal bathrooms, no designated parking lot, no balconies, and triple rooms that are half the size of double rooms at South Campus Plaza-- have absolutely zero priority over students with balconies, their own bathroom, huge rooms, and singles. (The cost of triples across every dorm are both the same BY THE WAY, despite everything pointed out previously!) The Sophomore Success Program is a disgusting money contract created by the school in order to yank every last dollar we have. Why else would they completely overpopulate every space of SDSU? There is no reason that certain Sophomores should be forced to live in expensive, yet disgusting and small living conditions, while other students are prioritized with fabulous single bedroom apartments. The living conditions at San Diego State University need serious change and this is the start. Please sign above to make sure our voices are heard.

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Thank you so much for all of the support, together I hope we can make a change. Continue sharing this with everyone you know-- with enough signatures we CANNOT be ignored.

-Phia R.
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