Google - Don't Support Puppy Mills!

  • av: Katherine Lee
  • mottagare: Google; Larry Page, CEO of Google; Susan Wojcicki, Senior VP of Advertising for Google

When checking my Gmail account, I noticed an advertisement for Maltese Puppies For Sale through a website called When I looked into it further, I saw the website/store called Puppy Petite was cited in a November 2011 Humane Society Report on Puppy Stores in New York City. The report stated that Puppy Petite sold dogs from puppy mills, and was "linked to MO broker that buys from numerous kennels with bad USDA reports."*

As a loyal Google user, and also an animal rights advocate, I was extremely upset to learn that Google would allow such stores to advertise through their site. The conditions in puppy mills are horrific, not to mention the abuse of the female dogs used for breeding. Further, with nearly 3-4 million cats and dogs put down every year in shelters (one every eight seconds) due to pet overpopulation and overbreeding, supporting such inhumane breeders instead of pet adoption is a disgrace.**

Please join me in telling Google, Google’s CEO Larry Page, and Google’s Senior Vice President of Advertising, Susan Wojcicki not to allow stores that support puppy mills to advertise on Google mail or any Google affiliated website!


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