Demand US Allow UN to Investigate Massacre at Gaza Strip-Israel Border

Since protests began in the Gaza Strip this week, at least 60 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military, including an 8-year-old infant. More than 2,700 others have been injured, half by gunfire. No Israelis have been wounded – because the vast majority of demonstrators are peaceful.

These protests are against the Trump administration's short-sighted decision to relocate the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. For Palestinians, this was a profound statement that the West did not care about their plight. Worse, the new embassy opening came at the 70-year anniversary of a day Palestinians mourn as The Catastrophe – marking when they were forced into being refugees.

The violent repression of Palestinian protesters in Gaza is a massacre, nothing less. There is absolutely no good reason for Israeli military to be using live fire on civilians. Even those harming the fence – is vandalism deserving of death?

The United States must reverse its stance on Israel when it comes to blocking United Nations action. Add your name to this petition to tell UN Ambassador Nikki Haley that an international investigation into the Gaza violence not be blocked! The dozens of innocent Palestinians killed by Israeli military in Gaza deserve justice.

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