Save Santa Monica's Mountain Lion Cubs!

Two adorable baby mountain lions have been discovered in the Santa Monica mountains, but there are many strikes against them. Chief amongst them seems to be the use of rat poison by local residents. Mountain lions routinely feed on small mammals, so rat poison quickly finds its way into the cats' diet. The scientists who discovered the cubs are deeply concerned about their welfare. Please join me in asking Santa Monica City Council to outlaw the use of rat poison.

To the Santa Monica City Council:

We the undersigned are delighted to learn that you have been blessed with mountain lion cubs. However, we are deeply concerned that these cubs are facing an uncertain and perilous future. Roadways in the mountain lion habitat pose one threat. Another threat is residential use of rat poison. This is where you need to take action to protect the cubs. Rat poison is an environmentally toxic substance that imperils wildlife generally and these mountain cubs in particular. Please outlaw residential use of rat poison outside the home in your community.

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