Currently there are 965 fur farms in Finland, and the number of enthusiastic young farmers is increasing. There are about 10 000 mammals in a typical fur farm, and about 3 million animals are killed every year for their fur in Finland. Most often fur farms are family businesses with the members of the family working there only, and a specialized vet is called in the place if needed. Fur animals have lot's of structural and behavioral problems as well as sicknesses, such as eye infection, deformed legs and obesity. Foxes can not reproduce on the farms but are artificially fertilized by man. When about 7 months old, most of the foxes (save reproducing animals) are killed by anal electrocution from mouth to anal end of the body. Minks are killed with carbon dioxide gas. The killing takes place on farms.
Fur industry produced about 450 million € income last year in Finland, and they say that the livelihood is crucial to the wealth of many small municipalities of Ostrobotnia. Finland is the biggest farmer of foxes and raccoon dogs in the world, and USA is the biggest buyer of Finnish fox fur. Majority of Finland's decision makers are of the opinion that fur industry can't be substituted by other livelihoods, but that's not true. There are other, ethical ways of making a living, even in the countryside, e.g. eco-tourism, for which the infrastructure in Finland is under-developed. Politicians should make an effort to get people work on eco-tourism and by supporting them with the planning of the infrastructure for a kick start within the branch. Signing of this petition is very important, because now you have a chance to tell Parlamentarians of Finland your opinion about ethical vs. unethical ways of making a living, and how much efforts you believe should be put towards substituting fur industry with ethical jobs.
Currently there are 965 fur farms in Finland, and the number of enthusiastic young farmers is increasing. There are about 10 000 mammals in a typical fur farm, and about 3 million animals are killed every year for their fur in Finland. Most often fur farms are family businesses with the members of the family working there only, and a specialized vet is called in the place if needed. Fur animals have lot's of structural and behavioral problems as well as sicknesses, such as eye infection, deformed legs and obesity. Foxes can not reproduce on the farms but are artificially fertilized by man. When about 7 months old, most of the foxes (save reproducing animals) are killed by anal electrocution from mouth to anal end of the body. Minks are killed with carbon dioxide gas. The killing takes place on farms.
Fur industry produced about 450 million € income last year in Finland, and they say that the livelihood is crucial to the wealth of many small municipalities of Ostrobotnia. Finland is the biggest farmer of foxes and raccoon dogs in the world, and USA is the biggest buyer of Finnish fox fur. Majority of Finland's decision makers are of the opinion that fur industry can't be substituted by other livelihoods, but that's not true. There are other, ethical ways of making a living, even in the countryside, e.g. eco-tourism, for which the infrastructure in Finland is under-developed. Politicians should make an effort to get people work on eco-tourism and by supporting them with the planning of the infrastructure for a kick start within the branch.Signing of this petition is very important, because now you have a chance to tell Parlamentarians of Finland your opinion about ethical vs. unethical ways of making a living, and how much efforts you believe should be put towards substituting fur industry with ethical jobs.
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