Tell Hershey to Stop Destroying Orangutan Habitat!

  • av: Erinn T.
  • mottagare: John P. Bilbrey, President and CEO of Hershey Co.

Twizzlers licorice candy, just one of Hershey Co.'s many products, lists palm oil as its fifth main ingredient. Palm oil plantations are destroying native rainforest in Indonesia, with the Indonesian government planning to convert an additional 18 MILLION hectares of rainforest to palm oil plantations by 2020. These rainforests are home to many endangered species, including orangutans, Sumatran tigers and Sumatran elephants. These wonderful creatures are already on the brink of extinction due to habitat loss and destruction- exactly what results from palm oil plantations!

Indonesia is now the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases thanks to clearing of land for palm oil plantations. 80% of Indonesia's emissions are a direct result of deforestation.

This destruction will continue as long as there is demand for palm oil, particularly from North American food companies. Do your part to save these beautiful endangered animals by boycotting all products that contain palm oil and sign this petition to urge Hershey Co. to stop using palm oil in their products!

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