Free Jackie

  • av: Hans Wald
  • mottagare: Pope François - Jean Bosco Ntep - Ngole Philip Ngwese

Jacky is a chimpanzee who’s been held in captivity in a 2 square meter cage since the age of one.
Like other baby monkeys, she found herself in this situation after her parents were killed by poachers in order to sell them for their meat, which is commonly consumed in Africa.

She was later chained up & has been traumatised in that cage for twelve years now so that she could be domesticated. She must be released & returned to her family. Chimpanzees are naturally made to live in clans.

In this exclusive footage you can see the work of a charitable organisation which succeeded in releasing another monkey who faced the same distress as Jacky but was freed… eventually.

To help us free Jacky, please sign the petition & write to The Most Reverend Jean Bosco NTEP, Bishop of the Diocese of Edea who’s holding the monkey.

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