WE DEMAND CHANGES NOW: Druid Park Lake Drive (DPLD) Pedestrian Safety

I was milliseconds away from losing my firstborn son, Zion (8 years old), on Saturday, August 8, 2020 due to an irresponsible and reckless driver. I am blessed that he was not harmed. Unfortunately, we are not unique to this experience. Many pedestrians, bicyclist, and patrons of Druid Hill Park have had similar experiences.

As a resident of Reservior Hill and Central West Baltimore, I am calling for the Baltimore City Department of Transportation (DOT) to implement immediate quick-build traffic calming measures at the Linden Ave/DPLD , Madison Ave/DPLD/Swan Drive, and Auchentoroly/DPLD cross-sections.

Especially since the COVID-19 Pandemic has led to hundreds of individuals and families crossing these dangerous  intersections to exercise and/or enjoy our nation's third oldest urban park. 

Please show your support for signing this petition. Let's make sure we let our elected officials and city agencies know that we have grown tired and frustrated of these hazardous conditions.  

#GivesUsOurParkBack #DruidHillPark #TapDruidHill 

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