Justice For the Rottweiler shot cruelly by American Police Officer

I just watch a video on Facebook in which a cop in America shoots a Rottweiler because as the Police were arresting the owner the dog jumped out of the car to protect its owner. I own a Rottweiler and although she is quite 'hardy' as I expect of the Rottweiler breed (they're cattle dogs) she is NOT dangerous. Yes, the Rottweiler attacked the cop BUT as they use not only the German Shepard but ALSO the Rottweiler in their Police work then they should know that this dog was protecting its owner. What also has upset me is that this cop did NOT shoot this dog cleanly instead he shot it multiple times causing the dog to go through a huge amount of pain. I just want to repeat that this dog was NOT dangerous and was doing what I expect of ANY dog. I want this Police Officer's badge and I also want him to face criminal charges of Animal Abuse. I sadly live in New Zealand but I still want something to be done about this. I want your help, please. If you wish to view this video please go to Facebook (link to video below) I have posted it to there, but I do wish to warn you that it is VERY violent and upsetting, as I sit here writing this I am still shaking. Thank you for reading this. 


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