She Ran Away From an Animal Abuse Check, Abandoning Two Young Children in the Process

In further proof that animal cruelty is often linked directly to mistreatment of humans as well, a woman in Tennessee recently abandoned two children in her care in order to run away from police conducting an animal welfare check.

When authorities arrived, the weather was almost 100 degrees outside. Yet the woman had left her dog tethered outside without shade, shelter, or water - and it appeared this wasn't an isolated incident. In fact, reports suggest animal neglect was a common occurrence, putting her dog directly in harm's way.

She should not be allowed to work with kids or own pets again. Sign the petition!

But apparently dogs aren't the only beings at risk around this woman. While officers were on the property, she was in the middle of babysitting two young children who were left alone in her care. Yet after authorities showed up, she hightailed it, running away without a second look back.

The children's parents, of course, had no idea she would literally abandon their young ones or be on the run from police.

Authorities have currently charged the woman with animal abuse, in addition to other charges. But it's clear she is not responsible enough to be entrusted with looking after dependent beings, whether they're pets or children.

It's imperative that pets and kids are kept safe. Officials should ban her from owning animals, or working in childcare. Sign the petition now!
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