Stop Prime Minister Tony Abbott From Destroying The Great Barrier Reef!

  • av: Theresa Fletcher
  • mottagare: SAMI, OPS, SSCS, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Oceana, The Ocean Conservancy,

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Environment Minister Greg Hunt have approved the dredging of the The Great Barrier Reef to expand highly destructive coal facilities. These coal facilities are being driven by the potential development of nine Mega-Mines in Queensland’s vast Galilee Basin. The dredging of The Great Barrier Reef will be devastating to the environment, forcing the wildlife out and away from food and shelter resulting in the already fragile life there to be extinguished. Why should we let this one man decide the destruction of one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World just to let coal mines infect whats left of the wildlife? We shouldn't, please sign this petition to appose this expanse and save The Great Barrier Reef.

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