Discontinue water high level use. Put an end wastage right at the sea.

  • av: Tatiana Ovechkina
  • mottagare: His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister of the UAE

Dubai’s skyline is the most sparkling in the Middle East. But down on the ground, the environmental problems of a quickly erected city built on sand look a lot less alluring.
In the last year, tourists have swum amid raw sewage in Dubai’s slice of the Persian Gulf. The purifying of seawater to feed taps and fountains is raising salinity levels. And despite sitting on vast oil reserves, the region is running out of energy sources to support its rich lifestyle.
The simple basics of waste treatment and providing fresh water, in addition to running major industrial projects, require so much electricity that the region is turning to a nuclear future, raising questions about the risks, both environmental and political, of relying in part on a technology vulnerable to accidents and terrorist attacks.
Like a Middle Eastern version of Las Vegas, Dubai’s biggest challenge is water, which may be everywhere in the gulf but is undrinkable without desalination.
Everybody should remember from where we started. Do not forget about your mother nature. Take care of it. You are the one responsible for tommorow and future of your children. 

Dear accomplice,
Together we can do so that the government of Dubai will think about what kind of environmental damage they cause to their actions in the pursuit of profit, turning a blind eye on the environment. Everyone knows that in the pursuit of the most profitable businesses perceive the environment is obstacle
Let's use this petition show how many people are care about something else but money.

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