Demand a Safe Radius from Fireworks for Livestock, Animal Shelters / Rescues

  • av: Tamara Drury
  • mottagare: State of Georgia, Department of Agriculture
The State of Georgia fireworks law does not provide for the protection of livestock or facilities that house large numbers of animals. Many areas have livestock that even though they are contained in fence and/or barns could have staggering loss from the negligent use of fireworks in close proximity. The loud and continuous explosions, bright lights, and/or debris give cause for radius protection to prevent those animals from injuring themselves or others from the "fight or flight" syndrome.

Not only is the injury or death of an animal or livestock a risk, cattle or horses jumping fences onto highways create a potential hazard for commuters. The loss of revenue due to death or injury to livestock or the revenue and livelihood lost by a farmer sued for human life lost due to fireworks exploding and stampeding horse or cattle onto a road or highway.

Local shelters/rescues that house multiple animals deserve consideration of the trauma that the explosions, flashes and debris create for those homeless pets that are unable to hide or be comforted by human voice or touch during the night time hours.

We demand banning fireworks of any size within a 2 mile radius of an established farm, private home with livestock or any registered animal shelter or rescue effective immediately.
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