Tell Lady GaGa- Fur Coats are Animal Cruelty

Although she may see a fur coat as an absolute art piece, and a "museum pièce de résistance", she support an industry to continue to torture animals. She may not be aware that animals are clubbed to death, electrocuted, and even skinned alive to present her with "fashion".

While her stance on anti-bullying is admirable, there really is no higher form of bullying than to torture an animal and take its skin.

She  call it art. Cruelty and brutality is no more an art form than Adolph Hitler making lampshades out of Jews during the Nazi Holocouast.

Tell Lady GaGa to help us stop the animal holocaust. If she is one who appreciates and adores the beauty of animals, ask her to stop supporting the fur industry in fashion.

Stephani Germanotta, (Lady GaGa)

Although she may see a fur coat as an absolute art piece, and a "museum pièce de résistance", she support an industry to continue to torture animals. She may not be aware that animals are clubbed to death, electrocuted, and even skinned alive to present her with "fashion".

While her stance on anti-bullying is admirable, there really is no higher form of bullying than to torture an animal and take its skin.

She  call it art. Cruelty and brutality is no more an art form than Adolph Hitler making lampshades out of Jews during the Nazi Holocouast.

Tell Lady GaGa to help us stop the animal holocaust. If she is one who appreciates and adores the beauty of animals, ask her to stop supporting the fur industry in fashion.

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