Stop the Killing of Canadian Geese

  • av: dianne meyers
  • mottagare: Canadian Wildlife Service and the Mayor of Parksville, Marc Lefebvre

484 Canadian Geese who were molting and unable to fly away, were captured from the Englishman River estuary in Parksville, British Columbia, Canada. The geese were taken to a resort and killed at the tennis court by a bolt gun to the head. The mayor of Parksville , Marc Lefebvre, believes there was "excessive feces" from the geese, and this is why they were killed. British Columbia advertises worldwide that it is " Super Natural British Columbia " because of the wilderness and wildlife that inhabits it. It is disgusting and disgraceful that the killing of wildlife is condoned and allowed.

It is shameful and reprehensible to kill wildlife for the reason that it produces feces and that it is considered a nuisance to people. Wildlife and animals have a right to eat. And Poop. And Live on this planet as they are meant to.

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