Stop Quarry Expansion Above Wild Steelhead Gene Bank

Stand with East Fork Community Coalition to protect the East Fork of the Lewis River, it's wild steelhead gene bank, and its valley. We oppose the expansion of Yacolt Mountain Quarry and are calling for an Environmental Impact & Landslide Studies. We aim to ensure the operators performance is brought up to compliance with their existing permit.

Uppdatera #13 år sedan
Join others in Writing to save the East Fork Lewis River from a Quarry Expansion. Yacolt Mountain Quarry is applying for expansion above a landslide risk area, above the river spawning area and falls. Issues include lack of Environmental Review, Blasting, Gravel Trucks on windy steep roads, Dust, Surface and Ground water, Landslide Risk, Non-compliance to current permit. Please email, addressed to "Hearing Examiner". Together we can save the future. Write Now.
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