Take Away This Animal Abusers License!

The Gobbles have locked up their own kittens in tight cages, let one of them freeze to death, and other horrible things. They traumatized many of their cats just so they could breed. Those lykoi did not deserve this abuse. Many female lykoi died while giving birth due to diesease complications. And also due to the Gobbles incompetence.

Uppdatera #53 år sedan
We also may need to report before we reach our goal
Uppdatera #43 år sedan
Well, I can confirm that the abuse came from the Gobbles. But Emma is NOT out of the picture.

Uppdatera #33 år sedan
It's come to our attention that some of the abuse might be coming from an australian breeder named emma vernon
Uppdatera #24 år sedan
Multiple sources have been found to confirm the source given before! Thank you all to have signed this, we appreciate it greatly! If this hits 1000 signatures, this will be sent to ascpa!
Uppdatera #14 år sedan
If you want to know more on the case, read here. http://messybeast.com/lykoi-story.htm (WARNING: there's going to be some mentions of animal mistreatment, and some information might not be up-to-date. We apologize in advance.

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