Stop Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission From Preventing Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado!

Wolf restoration in Colorado is essential for a healthy ecosystem. Along with that it would benefit wildlife watchers and the economy (Yellowstone gets about $35 million a year just for wolf-watchers, and the toll they take on livestock is very small.)

Contrary to popular belief, wolves do not decimate local prey populations. In fact, surveys in Montana show that the overall elk population in the state went up after wolves arrived. Many hunters claim that wolves killed all their elk. Nonsense. The real reason there aren't any elk at their favorite hunting location is because the elk are hiding. They are more alert. In fact, reintroduction would benefit hunters because wolf restoration would stop elk, moose, and deer from becoming, as Aldo Leopold put it, "dead of their own too much."

Wolves also need to be in Colorado to restore the ecosystem to its natural state. Wolves create fear among browsing animals and let plants grow, which creates food and habitat for a variety of other animals, for instance the beaver. And if there are more beavers there are more beaver ponds, which is habitat for ducks, mink, and fish, as well as more plants, and the cycle continues. Wolves also kill and drive out some coyotes, which leads to an increase in rabbits and mice and so there are more hawks and eagles and owls.

Please help prevent the Colorado Parks and Wildlife commission from stopping these great things from happening by signing my petition now. Colorado Parks and Wildlife meets in Denver to vote on the matter on January 13 and 14. If you could attend, that would be great.

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