Canada: Protect the Rouge National Urban Park

  • av: Amelia Meister
  • mottagare: Federal Environment Minister Catherin McKenna

Rouge National Urban Park is a beautiful 79.1 square kilometres of wilderness and farmland in the Greater Toronto area. It is a testament to urban conservation, with wetlands, beaches, Carolinian forests and farmland all contained within the park.

However, while Rouge National Urban Park is now open to the public, conservationists are still pushing for stronger conservation efforts by the federal government. The current management plan for the park does not do enough to deal with stresses on the park from the surrounding areas.

The province of Ontario has already drafted a land management and conservation plan that would appropriately protect the park. It includes plans for the wetlands, forests and surrounding development to ensure the integrity of the park.

The federal government needs to adopt this plan and ensure the sustainability of of the park. A strong foundation in land management and conservation will ensure the long-term viability of the park.

Sign today to protect the Rouge National Urban Park for generations to come.

Photo Credit: By Eddar27 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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