Demand an End to Animal Cruelty

Animals experience a lot of unfair and inhumane treatment on farms. At Birth, a calf is forced away from its mother to be slaughtered in the future. There are even some farmers who kick, stab, and run cows over with bulldozers. I believe that is truly unnecessary and cruel. The same goes for chickens and pigs. There are safer ways to get milk, beef, chicken, and pork without being so forceful.

In my opinion, all humans should cut back on eating animal products all together so that less animals have to suffer. Some great alternatives to milk include almond or coconut milk. There are even companies that make great meat alternatives that taste just as good, if not better than meat. Plus, its been scientifically proven that eating animal products leads to high cholesterol, diabetes, and even cancer. We can stop animal cruelty by not eating them as often. Then so many animals wouldn't have to be in horrible situations.

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