Landlord "No Pet Policy" Negligence.

I believe I am wrongfully being evicted from my apartment. My Landlord/Leasing Agent (who lives at the complex) allowed for many pets in the apartment complex, yet had a "No Pet" clause on the lease, (which I did not know about at the time because he did not make it known to me at the signing of the 1 year Lease Agreement.

One day a chichuahua followed me home from the library, I tried to find its owner but when I could not find its Owner, I decided to keep the pet since I saw many other pet owners at the Morris Apt Complex. I have pictures of my little dog on Facebook with dates as far back as May 2015 and my Landlord saw me and my dog MANY TIMES with no argument.. In January 2016, a Lease Renewal was passed under my Apartment door, and I signed it for another 1 year lease with NO WARNING (in regards to the No Pet Policy) and many other pet owners still existing in the building "Morris Apts". Then all of the sudden a Mr. Brent Del Bianco, introduces himself as New Management and takes over while the previous Landlord/Leasing Agent still lives in the building. I believe he had partial favors as to who could have pets and who could not have a pet, very misleading as I am on SSI and my eyes are failing in sight. In my first lease Mr. Salazar never went over the lease, it was quick and my Renewal Lease, he accepted from me when KNOWING I had a pet for many months, going on a year in April 2016. Before the Eviction Notice, they tried to get me to leave by stopping Pest Control and all of a sudden a big leak started happening in my bathroom where the sheet rock fell down from the ceiling, asbestos and I called him several times to fix it but it only got worse (I have an email sent to him that he never responded to in Feb 2016). When Brent Del Bianco became the New Manager, he quickly stopped the leak but did not put new sheet rock, but rather slid a paper of Eviction under my door on April 9 2016 which stated I had 30 days to vacate the premisis.

Landlords that play around with their "No Pet Policy" allowing for some tenants to have pets and others not to or also filing an EVICTION on a Tenant who has had a PET LIVING on the COMPLEX PREMISES for more than 6months.  Landlords that DO NOT GO OVER A LEASE AGREEMENT to ENSURE "A NO PET POLICY" causing for both Animal Rights and Human Rights to be VIOLATED.

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