St. Louis County Gutting Forests in Queeny Park

Issues of conservation policy are in dispute whereby Queeny Park is being cleared of established acreage of precious, limited forests--the very heart of the park--to plant saplings. Throughout the park, the most massive oaks--3, 4, and 5-feet in diameter--are similarly being systematically removed; actions likewise in evidence at Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park. Clear heartwood suggests trees are healthy (marketable lumber?) despite claims to the contrary of advanced rot by disease that presents a hazard requiring their swiftest removal. This petition demands immediate accountabilty to the public and a directive to cease and desist such potential mismanagement--which is aggressive, ongoing and persistent--until such time as an inquiry determines a full disclosure for justification. Our parks are under siege! Our tax dollars are being mispent! Make it stop before all that's left is reduced to ruin for a lifetime!

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