Ban Seal-Unfriendly Salmon in the U.S.!

According to a 2011 Scottish Government survey, 80 percent of Scotland's salmon farms do not use anti-predator nets. This allows seals to be caught along with fish. Other major Scottish seal farmers support a shoot-to-kill policy in regards to predator seals.

The Scottish Government and RSPCA have so far been unable to force salmon farmers to use exclusion nets that would spare the lives of seals. 

Whether they're aware of it or not, U.S. chefs, retailers and consumers who purchase Scottish farmed salmon are supporting seal slaughter.

Please urge the U.S. Department of Commerce to ban the import of Scottish farmed salmon until farmers stop killing seals and start using exclusion nets.

Dear U.S. Department of Commerce,

We have recently become aware of the seal-unfriendly policies practiced by most of Scotland’s commercial salmon farmers. Despite the Scottish Government’s and RSPCA’s attempts to convince them otherwise, 80 percent of Scotland’s salmon farms do not use exclusion nets that would spare the lives of seals. Other farmers have a shoot-to-kill policy in regards to seals.

We believe that most U.S. consumers do not wish to support these cruel practices. Unfortunately, whether they’re aware of it or not, U.S. chefs, retailers and consumers who purchase Scottish farmed salmon are supporting seal slaughter. We urge you to ban the import of Scottish farmed salmon until farmers stop killing seals and start using exclusion nets.

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