Help us Protect our Kids Franklin and Elizabeth

Recently we have been targeted by a resident that lives in the area.  We have two kids Franklin and Elizabeth who are our pride and joy.  They both are boxers who go to the bathroom out in the common area of the complex daily.  They are always on their leashes, always happy to see people, and have never been aggressive with anyone.  This person (who will remain nameless) has contacted the Greeley Police Department telling them that "our dogs are an inconvenience" due to the fact that they are "always off of their leash, and the apartment complex will not address the complaints issued". We are working with everyone to help us protect our rights as pet owners.  These allegations are completely false and if this person were to win this case, what would keep this individual from reporting all resident’s issues to her satisfaction or lack of. Please support us on Monday October 29th by signing this petition and taking a stand for all resident’s and potential resident’s.  Thank you for your support and taking time out of your busy lives to go over this petition with us.

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