Insist a Deadline to Animal Testing Now!

  • av: Nacho Helwig
  • mottagare: Directors of Animal Testing Organizations

I argue that animal testing should not be performed because it is cruel and inhumane. Animals also do not deserve to die for nothing. First of all, this type of testing is extremely expensive compared to alternatives, secondly, animals tested are either killed or kept in captivity until they die, and lastly, most tests end up having no purpose, or the test fails, so then an animal's life is completely wasted. So animal testing isn’t the best thing in the world.
Cancer has been around for a long time, and trying to find cures takes a lot of money, for example, some cancer tests cost 2 to 4 million dollars! (Should animals be used in scientific or commercial testing?) This means that we are spending a lot of money on trying to find a cure for cancer because there have been many attempts. Over 16 billion dollars are wasted every year on animal testing. Cancer tests aren’t the only tests that are very expensive, there are many others. Non-animal equivalent tests only costs $1,300!
While animal testing is going on, animals are either killed, or kept in captivity until their death. All different kinds of animals get tested every day and usually die. For example, in these experiments, numerous animals are used for test subjects, and then killed after their use. (About Animal Testing) This is important to notice because many animals are getting killed every year in the U.S. Every year, over one hundred million animals die, including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.

Thank you for standing up and agreeing that animal testing is wrong.

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