Demand The EU Save the Faroe Whales as part of fisheries agreement.

  • av: Hels Bells
  • mottagare: Maria Damanaki, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Commissioner

Pilot Whale slaughter

Hundreds of Pilot whales and dolphins are slaughtered every year on the Faroe Islands. This is a group of 18 islands north of Europe.

Men in boats drive these animals into the fjords or beaches. the whales are pulled with blunt hooks wedged in their blow holes. Once beached and defenceless, the whales are killed by having their spinal cord and major arteries cut with a fishing knife It can take up to 4 minutes for death to succumb them.

This meat is toxic with mercury. The Faroe Islands government released a statement based on their own research in 2008 to stop eating whale meat as the high levels of mercury was shown to cause long term health issues.

As part of the fisheries deal to end the EU trade ban on the Faroes, we are asking the EU to include a condition to stop this unnecessary and out-dated whale slaughter.

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