Bring Captain Bob's "Drawing From Nature" show out of the archives!

Countless Massachusetts natives crawled out of bed at the ungodly hour of 5am every Saturday to draw alongside Captain Bob Cottle. His show "Drawing from Nature" or "The Nature World of Capt Bob" ushered in the droves of graphic designers that exist regaling from MA today. His fanbase is strong, and his show is timeless. Many of us who grew up on Captain Bob would like to see his show brought out of the archives. Please help us bring Captain Bob back!

We the undersigned ask that the television show "The Nature World of Capt Bob" be brought out of the archives and made available to the public. As an educational tool it is timeless, and has inspired a generation of local artists. We hope that by making it available he can continue to inspire creativity in new generations and rekindle that of his long time fans.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter and we hope that action can be taken as soon as possible.

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