Sansar Chandra the poacher who killed 200 Tigers should not walk free

  • av: Amish Mathur
  • mottagare: Law Ministry and Wild Life Ministry

Sansar Chandra killed more than 200 tigers and wipped out the entire population of them from Sairska and has a network which still can do so. He should not be gratnted bail.

There cant be a worst news for wildlife as this... Sansar Chand, accused of killing over 200 tigers besides thousands of other wildlife species, will walk free soon. India's deadliest poacher, Sansar Chand, the man said to be single-handedly responsible for the missing tigers of the Sariska wildlife reserve in Rajasthan, is all set to walk free .
A Delhi court today refused to slap a stringent anti-organized crime law against Sansar Chand, which would have been the only hurdle towards his bail. The 55-year-old, who has been in jail since 2005, could be out as early as this weekend.

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