Tell Leader Schumer to confirm as many judges as possible before the GOP takes over!

Now that Trump has already begun naming right-wing extremists like Marco Rubio and Lee Zeldin to important cabinet positions, it's more important than ever that we get enough judges and regulators in position to keep them in check.

"While still in charge of the Senate and the White House, we must do all we can to safeguard our democracy. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer must use every minute of the end-of-year legislative session to confirm federal judges and key regulators—none of whom can be removed by the next President!" wrote Sen. Elizabeth Warren for TIME.

Making the most of this lame-duck period is the most important thing that Democrats can do to help weather the coming storm. Add your name and tell Leader Schumer to start speed-running the confirmations for as many judges and regulators as possible before it's too late!

Tell Leader Schumer to confirm as many judges as possible before the GOP takes over!

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