Because in Catawba County NC there are so many dogs chained to dog houses and sticks on the ground. They free all winter, they burn up all summer. They just sit alone day after day, many with no water or food bowls. They have no toys, so they have nothing to do. Many die in the cold, hang themselves by the chain while climbimg fences to go free, it is terrible.
Many dogs in Catawba County NC are tethered on a chain in backyards for their entire lives. Tethering needs to be ended and an Ordinance needs to be put into place by the Board of County Commissioners in Catawba County to stop this inhumane practice.. Many counties and cities in the State of North Carolina have already put through ordnances against tethering as far back as 2008. Asheville, North Carolina, Cary, North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Clayton, North Carolina, Cumberland County, North Carolina, Davidson, North Carolina, Durham County, North Carolina, Enfield, North Carolina, Guilford County, North Carolina, New Hanover County, North Carolina, and Charlotte-Mecklenburg, but NOT Catawba County.
The terms “tethering” and “chaining” refer to the practice of fastening a dog to a stationary object and leaving him unattended. The term “chaining” tends to refer to situations where thick, heavy chains are used. “Tethering” is more often referred to partial restraint on a rope, lighter chain or pulley, which is the more prevalent form of tethering. These terms are not meant to refer to an animal being walked on a leash, or cases of supervised, temporary tethering while an owner is present.
As you ride through the neighborhoods in both rural and city areas of Catawba County dogs are tethered to dog houses, sticks in the ground, and many other ways. For years they live in their own excrement, some not fed on a daily basis, some have no water. These dogs have no human interaction, no toys, nothing, just a dog tied to a chain in the backyard for life, many until they die on the chain. In the winter you see them shivering in the cold, wet from snow, and filthy from the mud from snow that has melted. Often their water is frozen, many are unfed and thin. In the summer many have green water from not being changed and are forced to lie under the hot sun hours upon hours each day.
This impacts many families of Catawba County who own and love their pet dog. When they ride by they feel helpless and sorry for the poor dog on the tether..
Tethering is not only bad for dogs—it is a high risk factor in serious dog bites and attacks. Dogs unable to retreat from perceived or real threats can act out aggressively when approached. Dogs tethered for long periods can become highly aggressive. Dogs feel naturally protective of their territory; when confronted with a perceived threat, they respond according to their fight-or-flight instinct. A tied dog, unable to take flight, resorts to fight, attacking any unfamiliar animal or person who unwittingly wanders into his or her territory.
Tragically, the victims of such attacks are often children who approach the dog unaware of the risks. Furthermore, a tethered dog who finally does get loose from his chains may remain aggressive, and is likely to chase and attack unsuspecting passersby and pets because s/he has developed severe behavior problems from long-term, intensive confinement.
If Catawba County could change those laws it would not only help citizens, but the dogs forgotten in the backyard.
To become well-adjusted companion animals, dogs should interact regularly with people and other animals, and should receive regular exercise. Sometimes situations with tethered dogs can be improved incrementally, such as by bringing the dog indoors at night at least, so owners should be open to options. Placing an animal on a restraint can be acceptable if it is done for a short period or while supervised and if the tether is secured in such a way that it cannot become entangled with other objects. Collars should be comfortable and fitted properly; choke chains should never be used. Keeping an animal tethered for long periods or during extreme weather and natural disasters is never acceptable.
We, the citizens of Catawba County are asking Catawba County NC to put an Ordinance against Tethering in place.
Things have changed in society to help dogs, not to harm them. There are pet stores, animal hospitals, pet sitters, and most people love their dogs. Dogs are used to go to see elderly patients, children, and the mentally ill. There are Police dogs who help the officers of the county to fight the "bad guys".
The dogs of Catawba County do not deserve to be chained in the back yard, forgotten, they should be treated fairly and justly.
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