2025 Louisville Rattlesnakes NFL


Fund of 3.2M by the city of Louisville, 485M by the River City Bank of Louisville on 30 years lease, 76M to pay by team owners investments of 1.357M, the NFL to finance of 95M, Stadium land pay of 400,000 from each team owner, plus 2,500 for the Louisville Rattlesnakes to enter the NFL. Only 64 team owners from the group held by Eldon Sebastian Kozaks, 21 owners of the team fans to owned stock of 0.65% at $45 each, the bank owned of 0.85 % team stock, 21 other owners will owned on the 1.7% team stock, 14 other owners will also owned 1.7% team stock, family friend owned 1.3% team stock, the NFL Louisville Rattlesnakes Holding Company will owned 31.2% of the team stock, & 32.6% of the team stock owned by the kozaks family. Only team owners by interest shall owned the team stock for every season. Public operations, 20% by the River City Bank, 18% by the City of Louisville, & 62% by the Louisville Rattlesnakes Franchise, Louisville Rattlesnakes Holding Company & the Kozaks family. Land for 175 acres, Stadium used 75 acres, 75 acres for a family college called Kozaks State University, 5 acres for Music Complex & Café, 10 Acres for Bull Riding of Rodeo & Horse Riding, & 10 acres for Kozaks Nascar Fast & Furious Outdoor racing. Stadium name: Ringo Raiders Zeus Odin Thor Field with 74,300 capacity. The total package cost $706.41M. The Kozaks family will owned everything at 59%.

Team Uniforms:

10 Nike Vapor untouchable color rush limited jerseys, Home, Road, 4 Home Alternate, 4 Road Alternate & 2 practice jerseys. Jersey Style: Indianapolis Colts 2008 with Tennessee Titans Secondary Jersey style with LSU Jersey sleeves stripes, of three stripes, with team name rattlesnakes in Michigan State Bold font with one color & outline color, Michigan State  Bold Numbers font, Player Name font of Michigan State Bold.

Team Owners group by companies: investments of $50M for extra of land package with the Kozaks family college, Bull Riding & Horse Riding for public rent, Music Comlpex & Cafe, & Kozaks Nascar Fast & Furious Street racing.

Albertsons investments of $25.2M on 30 years lease,

Gordon Food Service $8M on 30 years lease,

Winco $4M on 30 years lease,

JR Simplot $3.5M on 30 years lease,

Clark Enterpries $2.5M on 30 years lease,

Pratt Industries $2.2M on 30 years lease,

GuitarCenter $1.2M on 30 years lease,

Carpenter Company $1M on 30 years lease,

Race Trac Petroleum $4.4M on 30 years lease,

The team owners & stock owners shall be on a 0.1% team board of Directors with the Louisville Rattlesnakes Holding company.

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