Solstice and the tortoiseshell cats on the road

  • av: Melanie
  • mottagare: The prime minister

My name is Melanie I am a cat owner of 2 furry friends. Recently on my way home I saw a tortoishell cat hit by a car and drive away. My boyfriend stopped and moved the poor animal out of the road while it took its last breath. Not sure what to do I contacted my friend (a trainee vet) to see who I should contact and was shocked that cat accidents don't need reporting at all.
Around 630 cats are hit on britains roads each day, solstice is a family members cat who was also killed in a quiet road because people do not drive paying enough attention.
Solstice and the tortoiseshell cats is to change the law on reporting cat accidents, we report dogs so why not cats? If possible we want to be able to stop for cats crossing the same as dogs, it would not stop cats being killed on the roads but I believe we can get the number hit each day to a lot less. All outdoor cats should be microchipped and we should be able to report any accidents quickly and the poor family's of those cats be notified as soon as possible.

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