Panera, please remove GMOs along with the artificial ingredients.

  • av: GMO Free USA
  • mottagare: Ronald M. Shaich Founder, Chairman & CEO of Panera Bread

Panera recently committed to removing all artificial ingredients from their foods by 2016. We are very grateful for this huge commitment. Panera, we'd like you to take this one step further and remove the Roundup Ready GMOs as well. There is no consensus on the safety of GMO foods and no long term independent safety testing. Please join your competitor, Chipotle, in removing the GMOs from your menu.



Ronald M. Shaich Founder, Chairman & CEO of Panera Bread

Your restaurant chain recently committed to removing all artificial ingredients from your foods by 2016. We are very grateful for this huge commitment. Panera, we'd like you to take this one step further and remove the Roundup Ready GMOs as well. There is no consensus on the safety of GMO foods and no long term independent safety testing. Please join your competitor, Chipotle, in removing the GMOs from your menu. Thank you!



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