This City Employee Sexually Harassed Five Young Women on the Train

This happened tonight on the front runner. This employee of Utah public transit frontrunner named Jeremy told four 20-year-old girls that they were Pornhub stars because they went to the bathroom together. I couldn't believe my ears. He tried forcing the bathroom door open on the train while the young girls were in there.

This employee is on leave, but I think he should be fired!

There is no sign on any bathroom door on the frontrunner that says one person only. The girls were exchanging feminine hygiene products that were in one of the girl's bags. He said to them, "what were you doing? Sticking them in each other."

A grown man well over 40 talking with young girls like this is pedophilic behavior in my opinion. There was no line for the bathroom. Please share this petition so Jeremy is fired from his job. Please listen close to the video so you can hear what he says to them. It is horrific. 
#UTA#Utafrontrunner #July172018 #pornhub

Don't forget to share and comment below. Many interesting view points on this. Jeremy Shumway is his name!
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