WALMART and KMART “Don’t sell rainforest destruction -- don’t sell Paseo tissue products!”

Walk into major U.S. retail stores and you may find a secret hiding on the shelves: rainforest destruction.

It could be there in plain sight, but Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) hopes you’ll never notice. The company -- which is responsible for driving massive rainforest destruction in Indonesia -- has begun stocking the shelves of U.S. stores with their own line of toilet paper and tissue products marketed under the brand name ‘Paseo’.

But these products aren’t like the others. Paseo products have no recycled content -- they’re made of 100% virgin tree fiber. Worse, those trees come from pulpwood plantations that are eating into Indonesia’s rainforests and destroying the last Sumatran tiger habitat.

They’re wiping away rainforests for  throw-away tissue.

APP has shown no signs of stopping. They’ll only change if they learn that rainforest destruction is bad for business. That is why Walmart, Kmart and other major retailers need to say “no” to selling Paseo tissue products until APP cleans up its act.

APP says its Paseo products are ‘fully sustainable’ and ‘made in the USA.’ But what their packaging and advertising won’t tell you is that Paseo tissue products are made from wood fiber shipped from overseas linked to widespread rainforest destruction.

Forward this PETITION to anyone you know who wants to make sure the last 400 Sumatran tigers survive

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