Stop the Rezoning of Machebeuf Baseball Field (corner of Yosemite and Lowry)

Current Zoning Regulation: church, park, school or theatrical studio less than 37 feet.

Proposed Rezoning: mix of residential, commercial, civil uses at 70 feet tall (5 stories), with one entrance on Lowry Blvd and two entrances on Yosemite
Rezoning Application 21-0031

Why are we opposed?
- Negative impact to the Lowry Sports Park, Westerly Creek Dam, and the Great Lawn Parks for accessibility and outdoor living
- Negative impact to living in Lowry by taking away open spaces, views, and parking
- Increased noise, traffic and pedestrian hazards
- Developer is asking for neighborhood buy-in to assign to pre-written letters, by individuals who don't live in Lowry

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