Help Stop the Slaughter of Donkeys in Columbia!

  • av: Emily L.
  • mottagare: Columbian National Police

Leaders of the indigenous Wayuu tribe in Columbia are reporting that criminals are killing donkeys so they can sell them for leather to non-Indigenous people. The leather is said to sometimes be used to camouflage and export drugs.

These actions not only affect the donkey populations, but they have caused problems for the tribe as people are stealing their donkeys to slaughter them and make money. As there are very few donkeys in their region of Alta Guajira, family members are having to guard the donkeys they do have for 24 hours a day.

Donkeys play a key role in the lives of the Wayuu people and they are understandably very concerned. They have reported the killings to the police, but so far nothing has been done.

Please sign the petition today to show international support for an investigation and efforts to stop the killing of donkeys in Alta Guajira, Columbia.

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