Justice for Fired Gay Coach!

Mitch Stein, a father of two, was fired from his job as the water polo coach at Charter Oak High School in Covina, CA because he is gay. 

Stein had just finished up an undefeated summer season when the principal brought to his attention two old photographs from his Facebook page along with a letter from a parent. One was of him with some drag queens, and another was of him eating a corndog. They were deemed as inappropriate and containing "sexual content" and as a result he lost his job.

This wasn't the first time Stein had been discriminated against while working at the school (and he has now heard from other teachers and students with similar issues) but despite that he loved his job. Even after being fired, he was unanimously selected as the president of the aquatics booster board by parents. 

Please tell Charter Oak High School to give damages to Stein, give him his job back, and make sure nothing like this ever happens again. This is discrimination and this is wrong! 

Mitch Stein lost his job because of his sexual orientation, and now, he is hearing from students and teachers who have also had issues with Charter Oak High School.

It is wrong to treat people differently because of who they are -- in this case, because of their sexual orientation. Do the right thing and give Stein his job back, grant him damages, and make sure that no one is ever treated like this again. 

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