Tell Michigan Lawmakers To Ditch Cages For Chickens!

10 years ago the Michigan legislature decided to give 10 years for factory farms to phase out the use of cages for chickens. Well fast forward 10 years to 2019 and now factory farmers and big AG says they need an additional 6 years to free these poor hens that are denied room to stretch and live their entire miserable lives in a space the size of a sheet of notebook paper, green grass, sunlight and everything that is normal and natural to them to satisfy the greed and convience of factory farmers. Factory farmed chickens are one of the world's most abused animals. Caged chickens are given rapid growth hormones that causes them to over-heat and won't allow them to stand on their feet due to their weight. Tell the Michigan legislature the time has come to free these birds from their lives of misery by at the very minimum banning the use of cages for chickens. Michigan farmers had 10 years to transition. Another 6 years of misery is totally unacceptable. By signing I am stating my opposition to SB 174

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Thiese petitions and many letters sent to Michigan lawmakers was not successful. Lawmakers voted to allow BigAg an additional 5 years to comply. Sadly many Michigan chickens will be robbed of everything natural to them and forced to live their entire lives in small cages! Disgraceful! Thank you all for your support. This petition is closed.
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