Ban Gas Chambers in the United States

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: American Veterinary Medical Association, Environment Protection Acency

We frequently hear stories from people who work at animal shelters reporting that after being placed in a gas chamber for euthanisia, animals come out still alive. There have been numerous reports of animals being buried, or thrown into an incinerator for cremation- while still alive. The most recent coming from employees at Fairfield County Dog Shelter near Lancaster, Ohio.

This violates every animal cruelty law because there is nothing humane about burying an animal that is alive, or putting them live into a crematorium.

Additionally, carbon monoxide poses a danger to humans because it is colorless, tasteless, odorless, and highly explosive. A gas chamber must be constantly checked and maintained to ensure no cracks in the structure or failing seals. Even the American Veterinary Medical Association has stated in 2007: "Carbon Monoxide is extremely hazardous for personnel because it is highly toxic and difficult to detect."

Gas chamber in animal shelters are cruel to animals, and dangerous to humans. We ask that you take steps to ban the use of gas chambers in the United States.

Gail C.Gobal, PhD, DVM
1931 North Meacham Road, Suite 100
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360
Phone: 800.248.2862
Fax: 847.925.1329

Governmental Relations Division:
1910 Sunderland Place, NW
Washington, DC 20036-1642
Phone: 800.321.1473
Fax: 202.842.4360

Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
USEPA Headquarters
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Mail Code: 1101A
Washington, DC 20460
Fax 202-501-1450

We frequently hear stories from people who work at animal shelters reporting that after being placed in a gas chamber for euthanisia, animals come out still alive. There have been numerous reports of animals being buried, or thrown into an incinerator for cremation- while still alive. The most recent coming from employees at Fairfield County Dog Shelter near Lancaster, Ohio.

This violates every animal cruelty law because there is nothing humane about burying an animal that is alive, or putting them live into a crematorium.

Additionally, carbon monoxide poses a danger to humans because it is colorless, tasteless, odorless, and highly explosive. A gas chamber must be constantly checked and maintained to ensure no cracks in the structure or failing seals. Even the American Veterinary Medical Association has stated in 2007: "Carbon Monoxide is extremely hazardous for personnel because it is highly toxic and difficult to detect."

Gas chamber in animal shelters are cruel to animals, and dangerous to humans. We ask that you take steps to ban the use of gas chambers in the United States.

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