DEMAND MAX punishment for person who threw PUPPY from CAR

  • av: Jana DiCarlo
  • mottagare: West Virginia Prosecutors Office

Brittany Gartin was driving in West Virginia, when she witnessed a brazen act of animal abuse. She saw someone throw a small puppy out the passenger window of a Jeep. 

Gartin quickly picked up the puppy, secured him in a box in her car, and then followed the Jeep. She tracked the car down, snapped a photo of the car’s license plate number, and posted the photo on Facebook. 

Then Gartin drove the dog to a Madison Animal Hospital. Amazingly, the puppy was uninjured and the Boone Animal Rescue Coalition (B.A.R.C.) has stepped in to foster the adorable pooch, who they named Roady.

Gartin reported the incident to police, and troopers tracked down the license plate information to a rented vehicle. But police say that they have a good idea of who the suspect is and expect an arrest to be made in the case soon. Once arrested, the suspect will face at least one felony animal cruelty charge. 

Roady does have several people interested in adopting him, though B.A.R.C. is expected to hold on to him for a little while longer for observation.

We hope that the person that threw this defenseless dog out the window pays for such a horrendous crime. And we’d like to give major kudos to Brittany Gartin, whose heroic actions saved this adorable dog. 


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