Tell judge not to lift Trump's gag order, given the ongoing danger he presents

  • av: Left Action
  • mottagare: Judge overseeing NY Trump case

Manhattan prosecutors are urging the NY judge overseeing Trump's criminal case to keep his gag order in place, given the danger he presents. And we agree 100%.

Add your name, and tell the judge to keep the gag order in place.

In court papers filed Friday, prosecutors with the Manhattan district attorney's office argued that portions of the gag order remained necessary given Trump's "singular history of inflammatory and threatening public statements," as well as efforts by his supporters to "identify jurors and threaten violence against him."

"Since the verdict in this case, defendant has not exempted the jurors from his alarming rhetoric that he would have 'every right' to seek retribution as president against the participants in this trial as a consequence of his conviction because 'sometimes revenge can be justified," the filing states. (source)

The danger is real, and Trump has shown no interest in changing his ways. He earned the gag order, and he deserves to have it kept in place.

Add your name, and tell the judge to keep the gag order in place.

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