Fish and Wildlife Service - Reconsider Wolverine Protections!

We have a new chance to save one of America's most elusive animals from extinction in the wild!

In 2014, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) delisted the rare wolverine, a snow-dependent species whose habitat is being threatened by climate change. In April 2016, a federal judge ruled that FWS' decision was politically motivated, not based on scientific evidence.

Only 300 wolverines remain in the northern Rockies and north Cascades. This tiny population size makes it one of the rarest animals in the region. Climate change's effect on its snowy habitat, combined with the species' isolation, makes endangered species protections essential for the species' survival and integrity.

Please sign the petition to urge FWS to reverse their 2014 decision and restore endangered species protections for wolverines!

Director Ashe:

I am writing to support the restoration of endangered species protections for the wolverine.

As you know, only 300 wolverines inhabit the northern Rockies and north Cascades. This tiny population size makes it one of the rarest animals in the region. Climate change's effect on its snowy habitat, combined with the species' isolation, makes endangered species protections essential for the species' survival and integrity.

[Your comments here]

I respectfully urge you to reverse your 2014 decision and restore endangered species protections for wolverines. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.


[Your name here]


Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Sad news from North Dakota: a wolverine who wandered there all the way from Colorado has been shot by a rancher. This was the first wolverine seen in North Dakota for 100 years. Unfortunately, it is not illegal in ND to shoot an animal that is seen as threatening to livestock. All the more reason we need federal listing – please share the petition on Facebook to help us increase the pressure!
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