We are the citizens of every country of the planet earth. We decry the all out attack on marine life through the navy's warfare testing programs in all five oceans of the globe, destructive torturous sound that is leaving many dolphins and whales deaf and dying. A deaf cetacean is a dead cetacean.

Our mighty Whales have been under attack for centuries from hunting and harvesting but they managed to survive extinction into the 21st century -- but can they survive this latest threat? Deadly high and mid-range Sonar testing programs in our oceans are throwing them off course, altering their sounds, and causing them to beach themselves in growing numbers, as many believe they are trying to escape the unbearable sounds being bombarded into their habitats. Beached whales and dolphins are washing up on coasts around the world, some bleeding from their brains and aural cavities, which have been literally exploded from the forceful pressures emitted through these unnecessary sonar war games. We find cetaceans with huge bubbles in their internal organs, suggesting they have dived rapidly and deeply to escape the sound.

The U.S. navy and the British navy are engaged in these programs and extending them despite public outcry and scrutiny.

We the citizens of earth, appeal to the United Nations, that you take this matter on as a question that every country on the planet must deliberate - 65% of the oceans are declared "international" waters, beyond the territorial reach of any country or government. 

Under what international treaty or law are we allowing the military to exercise these dangerous tests in our oceans - sounds which transcend territorial boundaries and affect the entire cetacean population of our planet?

We ask that a global policy be discussed for the safety of the Cetacean populations of earth, many of them headed for extinction, unless we take urgent steps to save them. We call for the end of these sonar tests and war games involving sonar in all earth's oceans.

Please examine your sonar testing policies. By rescheduling and taking necessary precautions, whale species will not have to be exposed to trauma and die in the name of war, war games, military maneuvers and all other commercial applications of sonar in our already fragile oceans. Sincerely, [Your Name Here]

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