Omarosa, Enough Reality Show Games! Turn Over Your Trump Tapes To Special Prosecutor Mueller

When we elected a reality personality president, we should have known we would get reality show nonsense from the White House. It's time to put a stop to it.

As part of her book release, Omarosa Manigault-Newman revealed that she had secretly made recordings of President Trump and his chief of staff, John Kelly. In a display of showmanship more befitting the circus than the highest reaches of government, Manigault-Newman has released the tapes in drips and drabs to maximize her own media exposure and book sales.

Enough! Add your name to tell Omarosa Manigault-Newman to stop playing games with our national interest and turn over her tapes to Special Prosecutor Mueller at once!

From the tapes we have heard, we have already learned that Manigault-Newman was able to sneak a recording device into the White House Situation Room — arguably the most secure room on the planet until Trump got the keys— and that Trump is so disconnected from the inner workings of his administration that he was unaware Manigault-Newman had been fired until she told him the next day.

Additionally, Manigault-Newman provided proof that Trump had tried to buy her silence for a $15,000-per-month job, and she has made several more salacious claims that she says she has evidence to back up.

This isn't The Apprentice. Lives are at stake. Every second that Manigault-Newman delays turning over evidence of Trump's incompetence and self-serving corruption is another moment that people suffer under his reign.

We demand an end to this charade. Add your name to tell Omarosa Manigault-Newman to turn over any and all recording of the Trump White House to Special Prosecutor Mueller without delay.

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